Kropers » Addons for Minecraft PE » Billey's Mobs Add-on

Billey's Mobs Add-on

Billey's Mobs Add-on
Addons for Minecraft PE
This is an add-on which implements 23(24 counting the wip goose) new mobs to the game. The mobs include everything from sea creatures such as the anglerfish and swordfish to pets which live on land such as the skeleton cat, the snail and the pigeon. It's a great addition to the game if you want to make aquariums with cool-looking fish or get awesome pets like a penguin that hunts fish for you or a skeleton cat that brings you items from the nether or even ride a special duck, make it change color and put a hat on it.


  • billey:anglerfish
  • Health: 7 hearts
  • Damage: 5 hearts + poison for 30 seconds
  • Attacks: cod, salmon, tropical fish pizzafish and monsters, neutral to players
  • Spawns in oceans, most commonly in deep ones
  • Drops: cod, salmon, bones or a new item called the Anger's Light that does nothing
  • Has 6 variants and 1 rare golden variant that drops diamonds, iron, sea grass and tridents at the same time
  • Its light glows in the dark and looks cool underwater
  • sugar


  • billey:swordfish
  • Health: 20 hearts
  • Damage: 6 hearts + poison for 15 seconds
  • Attacks: anglerfishes, pizzafishes, cods and monsters, neutral to players
  • Drops: 0-4 swordfish fillets and 2 of these
    • Swordfish Fin
    • Swordfish Tail
    • Swordfish Stick
    • Raw Cod
    • Raw Salmon
    • An extra swordfish fillet
  • Spawns in oceans


  • billey:mercat
  • Health: 10 hearts
  • Damage: 2.5 hearts + slowness for 15 seconds
  • Attacks: cods, pizzafishes and monsters, neutral to players
  • Drops: 0-3 Picklepet Fertilizer
  • Spawns in oceans


  • billey:orca
  • Health: 60 hearts
  • Attack damage: 8.5 hearts
  • Attacks: Switches between hungry and not hungry, hungry mode lasts 1 minute and not hungry mode lasts 10 minutes, when it's hungry it attacks:
    • anglerfishes, pizzafishes, sharks, cods and monsters, neutral to players
  • Spawns in oceans, mostly cold ones
  • Rideable and leashable but not controllable when tamed

Zombie Cat

  • billey:zombie_cat
  • Wild:
    • Health: 4 hearts
    • Damage: 2 hearts
    • Attacks: Cats(cats also attack zombie cats) and players(sometimes)
    • Spawns in jungle nights
    • burns in daylight
    • tameable with fish or strings
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 10 hearts
    • Completely peaceful with normal cats
    • brings you random ores when you wake up

Skeleton Cat

Similar as the Zombie Cat but it's tameable with Netherwart and brings you random Nether items when you wake up. It's also neutral to players but sometimes an aggressive skeleton cat spawns in instead which attacks players and normal cats. Dyeable. billey:skeleton_cat


  • billey:pigeon
  • 3 hearts health
  • Spawns in plains and flower forests
  • Poops every 10-20 minutes
  • 0 fall damage
  • You can put the hat on them, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while they are already wearing one
  • Randomly bites the floor
  • Switches between walk and fly mode
  • Wild
    • Tameable with seeds, bread and carrots
    • Runs away from players
  • Tamed
    • Doesn't fly
    • Healable with seeds, bread and carrots
  • Poop stain
    • Cleanable by hitting it
    • Drops bone meal


  • billey:pizzafish
  • 5 hearts health
  • Shearable
    • Tamed pizzafish can't be killed by getting sheared
  • Drops 2-5 pieces of pizza when it's not eaten
  • You can put a piece of pizza back on an eaten pizzafish
  • Friendly to everything expect monsters
  • Other fish eat it piece by piece
  • Spawns in coral reefs
  • Regrow their pieces 10-30 minutes after being eaten

Great White Shark

  • billey:gwshark
  • Health: 35 hearts
  • Spawns in oceans
  • 7.5 hearts attack damage
  • Attacks: anglerfishes, mercats, swordfishes, pizzafishes, cods and monsters
  • Drops: cod and bones
  • Spawns in oceans
  • Three personalities
    • Shy: fears players, 25% chance
    • Hostile: attacks players, 25% chance
    • Neutral: neutral to players, 50% chance


  • billey:endercat
  • Wild:
    • Health: 8 hearts
    • Damage: 2 hearts
    • Attacks: Cats(cats also attack endercats) and players(sometimes)
    • Spawns in jungle nights and in the End
    • Randomly teleports
    • Tameable with chorus fruit
  • Tamed:
    • Health: 16 hearts
    • Completely peaceful with normal cats
    • Brings you random End items when you wake up


  • billey:picklepet
  • Spawns in coral reefs
  • Attacks drowned and pizzafishes
  • Eats most of sea items except sea pickles
  • Can detect targets from even farther away as it grows up
  • Tameable with the stuff it eats
  • Level it up by feeding it or by waiting
  • Can instantly transition to the next level using picklepet fertilizer, using it on an adult one will make it shake and spawn an untamed baby picklepet that can be tamed instantly using picklepet fertilizer
  • Looks cool underwater when it's dark
    • Adult ones don't need to be underwater
  • Level 1
    • 2 hearts health
    • 0.5 hearts attack damage
    • Can survive out of water for only 15 seconds
  • Leve l2
    • 4 hearts health
    • 1.5 hearts attack damage
    • Lays a pickle every 10-20 mins
    • Can survive out of water for 10 mins
    • Drops some sea stuff
  • Level 3
    • 8 hearts health
    • 3.5 hearts attack damage
    • Can breathe both water and air
    • Lays a pickle every 5-10 mins
    • Breedable

Angel cats

  • The angel cat has two main variants, the normal one and the end one
  • Angel cat
    • billey:flyingcat
    • Scares phantoms, spiders, creepers and hostile cats
    • Drops phantom membranes
    • Tameable with fish
    • Has all vanilla cat variants
    • When it's wild it will spawn in still mode for 15-40 seconds or until something hits it
    • When it leaves still mode it'll fly for 3-5 mins.
    • Spawns in jungles
    • Gives regeneration to your pets and both wild and tamed snails in a 16 block radius every 30 seconds
  • End angel cat
    • billey:endflyingcat
    • Shoots shulker bullets to mobs that fear angel cats(only when it's standing)
    • Spawns in the End and jungle nights
    • Teleports randomly
    • Not hurt by water
    • Tameable with chorus fruit instead of fish
    • Gives strength and speed to snails every 15 seconds


  • billey:duck
  • 3 hearts health
  • You can put the hat on them, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while they are already wearing one
  • 7 variants(and a secret one)
  • Open their mouths when they quack
  • Randomly stand up and flap their wings
  • Spawn in swamps, rivers and I hope lakes
  • Sleep with their owner or randomly when it's night, you can wake them up by coming very close to them
  • Can be bred, healed, tamed and grown up, using seeds or carrots
  • Ducks and banana ducks protect each other, if you hit a duck or a banana duck all ducks and banana ducks around it will bend their neck forward, chase you and bite you for 10 second
  • When tamed, automatically attack monsters or whatever you punch
  • When wild, hostile to everything that is holding chicken, feathers or cooked chicken
    • You can use the /replaceitem command to make a mob hold chicken and then wild ducks will attack it
  • Duck armor
    • You can only put armor on ducks you own
    • I don't know if I'll make it useable for the rest of the pets
    • Use dirt to remove the armor
    • See "Items/Duck Armor" in this page for information about each armor piece and either the in-game crafting table recipe book or the pictures in "Recipes" paragraph for the recipes
  • The picture also shows a pigeon with a hat, a penguin with a hat, a banana duck with a hat and all the pigeon variants

Angel Pig

  • billey:flyingpig
  • 15 hearts health wild, 20 hearts tamed
  • Spawn in plains kind of rarely but a bit more commonly in flower forests
  • 4 hearts attack damage
  • Tameable using golden carrots
  • When you hit a wild angel pig all wild ones turn dark brown with red eyes and start attacking you
  • Gives withering and levitation to monsters from any add-on and resistance with hidden particles to pets from billey's mobs or vanilla cats every 15 seconds

Withered Cat

Same behavior with zombie cats, but they have variants and the only way of getting one is using a sad potion on a cat or a skeleton cat. billey:zombified_cat


  • billey:penguin
  • 8.5 hearts health
  • You can put the hat on them, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while they are already wearing one
  • 2.5 hearts attack damage
  • Neutral
  • Switches between water and land mode
  • Penguins on land on water mode have a random chance to get a 10 second long speed boost or break the ice under them to get to water
  • Look funny when they are angry
  • Tamed ones hunt vanilla fish and pizzafish for you
  • Can be tempt, bred and healed using raw cod, salmon or clownfish
    • Adults are tamed with clownfish
    • Babies are tamed and grown up with raw cod or salmon


  • billey:snail
  • 4 hearts health wild 8 hearts health tamed
  • Don't drop anything for now
  • Spawn rarely in plains in small groups, commonly in rivers in small groups and commonly in large groups in jungles
  • 256 color combinations and three types
    • Weakness Snail(50% chance), antennas are straight and deals n0 damage, knockback and gives weakness 1 forever
    • Slowness Snail(40% chance), antennas are slightly bent and deals 0 or half a heart damage, knockback and gives slowness 1 forever
    • Poisonous Snail(10% chance), antennas are bent a bit more than the slowness snail and deals 0 damage, knockback and gives withering 1 forever
    • They are all considered the same mob, spawned from the same spawn egg and are targeted from the same identifier
  • When babies are born they'll get the body color of one of their parents and a random shell color, they'll also get the type of one of their parents
  • Attack monsters for you when they are tamed but even the poisonous snail can't kill a zombie without dying as well so you need a couple of snails to just kill a zombie.
    • Snails are much more powerful when they have angel mobs near them
    • They don't attack creepers expect for the creeper from this
  • Randomly sleep while they are wild
    • You can wake them up by damaging them or by interacting with them
  • When you make a tamed one sit it'll sleep until you make it stand up
  • Make "Z" particles while they are sleeping
  • Climb walls like spiders, they get turned sideways while climbing on a wall so they actually look like they are climbing the wall
  • Can be tamed, bred, tempt and healed using the following items:
    • Any kind of leaves
    • Both types of overworld mushrooms
    • Apple
    • Wheat
    • Sea Pickle
    • The bark block you get when crafting 4 logs
    • Grass(not the dirt block with grass above it)
    • 1 Block Flowers


  • billey:piranha
  • 2 hearts health.
  • 0-1.5 hearts attack damage with slowness 1 for a second.
  • Spawn in lakes and swamps in groups of 3-5 and in rivers and rarely in oceans in groups of 5-7.
  • Every 10-60 seconds a piranha will attack and random nearby mob that isn't another piranha and every other piranha will attack that mob too.
  • They aren't attacked by any mob but other mobs might kill them over self defense.
  • The fish sword can be used to kill 5 at them at the same time like cod.
  • When they attack a mob it will never be killed instantly but when it dies piranhas will either collect or eat its loot so the ocean doesn't get littered. They also eat dropped food items from vanilla or Billey's Mobs.
  • Tamed ones are immune to the fish sword, if you hit your tamed piranha with a fish sword it won't take any damage it will just become bigger.
  • Drop nothing other than the item they picked up.

Banana Duck

  • 4 hearts
  • You can put the hat on them, you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while they are already wearing one
  • Tamed, lured, bred and healed using picklepet fertilizer
  • Open their mouths when they quack like normal ducks do
  • Every 3-9 seconds there is a 10% chance a banana duck will flap its wings and float up then fall down slowly
  • No fall damage even though they don't fall slowly like chickens
  • They don't drop bananas
  • Spawn anywhere on top of sand
  • Ducks and banana ducks protect each other, if you hit a duck or a banana duck all ducks and banana ducks around it will bend their neck forward, chase you and bite you for 10 seconds
  • The orange ducks in the background are orange because I gave them the colorful potion and the screenshot was taken while they were orange
  • When tamed, automatically attack monsters or whatever you punch
  • They have secret variants, try spawning them/placing enough sand in strange places or doing something with the other birds of the add-on
  • Sleep with their owner or randomly when it's night, you can wake them up by coming very close to them
  • Duck armor
    • You can only put armor on banana ducks you own
    • I don't know if I'll make it useable for the rest of the pets
    • Use dirt to remove the armor
    • See "Items/Duck Armor" in this page for information about each armor piece and either the in-game crafting table recipe book or the "Recipes" pictures in the end of this for the recipes


  • 3 hearts
  • Supposed to spawn in coral reefs
  • Uses the texture of the sea pickle block so it is even texture pack compatible
  • Tameable and healable with sea pizza
    • After you tame it you can ride it, look straight or slightly up and it'll float up slowly, look up while moving and it'll float up faster, look down and it'll sink, there is no way to make it go completely straight but maybe I'll try
    • You can also leash it after taming it
    • When you jump out of water using a cucumbeel, you get water breathing for 5 seconds
  • Not attacked by and doesn't attack anything (yet?)?
  • The light cyan thing glows in the dark
  • The rocks in the dirt in the background are from this

Pickle Cat

  • Just a cat that is supposed to spawn in coral reefs
  • Attacks and kills drowns in 2 hits usually without getting hit once
  • 3 natural color variants but dyeable
  • Rideable but doesn't swim up if you look up in water
  • Can't attack drowns while being ridden, this was unintentional but I'm not sure how to fix it
  • Can only breathe water when it's wild but can breathe both water and air when tamed
  • Tameable with sea pizza or raw fish
  • Brings you sea items when you wake up
  • Wild ones can only breathe water but tamed ones can breathe both air and water
  • Everything else is the same with vanilla cats

Velvet Worm

  • 5 hearts health
  • 3 hearts attack damage and drop a useful item called velvet slime most of the time whenever they attack
  • Tamed with fermented spider eyes, but can be healed/bred/lured with spider eyes/strings too
  • You can put the duck armor on them, it's invisible but the protection is added and they don't shoot end rods when they wear end rod armor because that would make them not drop velvet slime when they attack, and it's removed with dirt just like on the ducks
  • Attack everything tagged as "spider", "silverfish", "insect" or "arthropod", expect for tamed ones like tamed spider pigs from this
  • Break webs like ravagers break grass
  • Spawn in light levels 5-8 in the biomes pigs cows and chickens spawn
  • Velvet Slime
    • Everything related to velvet slime needs Holiday Creator Features enabled to work, which can be turned on on Realms by uploading a world with them turned on, but you can still use the rest of the addon without Holiday Creator Features
    • Velvet slime balls can now be thrown like snowballs and deal a bit of damage and super slowness for some seconds, this uses the proper way of adding throwables so the addon is still compatible with other throwable addons, also you need holiday creator features on for the velvet slime balls and velvet slime blocks but you can still use the rest of the addon without it, they also have a 5 sec cooldown which I think is still overpowered
    • Velvet Slime Blocks
      • Because they are blocks, you can't see them in the creative inventory or the recipe book, so just see the "Recipes" part of this page
      • /function billeyblocks gives all of them
      • 0 breaking time, inflameable and 0 explosion resistance
      • Break when pushed with a piston
      • Velvet Slime Block (the green-purple colored one)
        • Gives slowness and withering to monsters that step on it
        • Put a pickle in a crafting table surrounded by 8 velvet slime balls
        • Mobs don't avoid stepping on it
      • Blue Velvet Slime Block (the blue-light green colored one)
        • Gives a lot of speed to players that step on it
        • Put a sea pizza in a crafting table surrounded by 8 velvet slime balls
        • Mobs avoid stepping on it, as if it was a damage block or a fence
      • Mixed Velvet Slime Block (...)
        • Gives regeneration and speed for 2 seconds to players that step on it
        • Put a velvet slime block, a blue velvet slime block and piece of sugar in a crafting table and you'll get 2 of these
        • Mobs avoid stepping on it, as if it was a damage block or a fence


  • 1.5 hearts health
  • Spawn in deserts on top of sand, in savannas on top of grass, and underground in both deserts and savannas on top of stone at any light level
  • Tameable with seeds and carrots
  • Randomly twerk and sniff
  • Many colors, not just the one shown in the picture, white ones are dyeable, red, lime, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow ones are rare and dyeable
  • You can put them in a hamster ball, you can craft it using a cyan glass block and a piece of funny dust
    • If you make them sit and feed them funny dust while they are on a redstone wire they'll be like some sort of redstone clock, if you have an idea of a better use pls say, you can stop them by making them stand, if you feed them the powder while they are standing they'll just do the animation without doing anything to the redstone, I think I can make that not happen but for now to fix that make them sit and stand again
    • Hamsters are invincible in the hamster ball, but the hamster ball breaks after 2 hits of any damage, expect most potion effects, most potion effects pass through the hamster ball, this was done so the angel cats' regeneration effect doesn't break the hamster ball because regeneration triggers the damage sensor component too

Goose (W.I.P.)

  • 6 hearts health
  • 3 hearts attack damage
  • Randomly attack in groups anything that isn't a goose when wild
  • Don't spawn naturally yet
  • They'll hold whatever items you drop them and then eat them if they are food, drop a melon slice to make them drop the item they are holding
  • I failed making the held item visible
  • Tameable with melon and melon seeds
  • I'm planning to add more variants for them

  • Shiny Duck
    • Get the secret rideable duck
  • HONK!
    • Be near an angry duck or kill a duck
  • How Rude...
    • Shear a pizzafish
  • Pizzafish Transplantation
    • Put a sea pizza on a sheared/bitten pizzafish
  • Ornithologist
    • Get every single banana duck variant, expect the weird oddly specific one
  • Pretty
    • Use the colorful potion


/function billeyitems
  • Gives the nearest player the items from the add-on, excluding crafting ingredients and spawn eggs
/function nearduckrideable
  • Makes the nearest tamed duck rideable and controllable with the fish sword, but there is another way of getting a rideable duck without commands
/function nearbananaduckrideable
  • Makes the nearest tamed banana duck rideable and controllable with the fish sword, but there is another way of getting a rideable banana duck without commands


Recipes on the end of this page or in the recipe book expect for velvet slime blocks because blocks can't be added to the creative inventory/recipe book.
NOTE: Some of the items might be in the end of the category with the bed icon instead of being in the middle of the nature category like most of the other items

Sea Pizza

  • Dropped by pizzafish
  • Small chance to give you slowness or make you invincible for some seconds
  • Used to tame most of the fish
  • billey:pizzapiece

Swordfish Meat

Swordfish Fillet

  • Can be cooked into swordfish steak
  • 1.5 hunger bars
  • Has a small chance of giving you fatal poison
  • Dropped by Swordfish
  • billey:swordmeat

Swordfish Steak

  • 3.5 hunger bars
  • Takes slightly less time to eat than vanilla food
  • Has a small chance of giving water breathing
  • billey:swordcooked

Fish Sword

Recipe on the end of this page, deals 13 hearts damage to fish, orcas, picklepets and penguins but not pickle cats yet, and you can cook it to a swordfish steak no matter its durability left. billey:swordfish

Cat Potions

Sad Potion

  • Cat, Skeleton Cat → Withered Cat
  • billey:zcat_bottle

Happy Potion

  • Withered Cat →  Cat
  • billey:cat_bottle

Boring Potion

  • Withered Cat, Cat → Skeleton Cat
  • billey:scat_bottle

Funny Potion

  • Skeleton Cat → Cat
  • billey:wcat_bottle

Colorful Potion

  • Makes any tamed mob from the add-on, a tamed cat, cod or salmon get a color changing overlay.
  • To use any of the potions of the add-on, you need to tame the mob first and be the one who tamed it.
  • billey:colorful_potion

Colorless Potion

  • billey:colorless_potion

Duck Armor


  • 10% less damage, dyeable by dying the duck while it's wearing it


  • 20% less damage, I tried making it protect the duck from fire but I failed so I made it be crafted with golden nuggets instead of ingots


  • 25% less damage, slight tint of the color you previously dyed the leather armor or the hat


  • 30% less damage


  • 40% less damage


  • 50% less damage

End Rod

  • 60% less damage
  • Dyeable
  • Makes the duck shoot end rods to anything that they'd normally attack

Bird Hat

  • Dyeable by dying a mob while it's wearing one
  • billey:pet_hat
  • If I ever mentioned some "pet hat" it's the same as this
  • You put it on ducks, banana ducks, penguins and pigeons and you can take it off by attempting to put another hat while a mob is already wearing one

Changes to the existing cat mob

5 new variants, spawns at jungles but still also spawn at villages. Raise and move their tail when you hold food

General features

Taming the fish

If you want an aquarium with multiple types of fish and don't want them to eat each other then tame them. Most of the fish from this add-on are tamed using sea pizza which is dropped by pizzafish, with the exception of pizzafish which are tamed with rotten flesh and vanilla fish which require seeds or carrots.

Pet Health

Some of the pets will shiver and stop quacking when damaged and all of them will produce green particles when fully healed


As of 1.16.100 you don't need to look here to see the recipes because they are in the recipe book, expect for velvet slime blocks because blocks can't be added to the creative inventory/recipe book
(the green arrow is not part of the recipe)

Planned Mobs

I plan to add the following mobs:
  • Caracal
    • big floppa
  • Hammerhead
  • Striped hamster variant
  • Some more fish


  • English(billeyzambie)
  • Greek(billeyzambie)
  • Some type of Chinese(ltdhj#5818 on Discord, missing recent features)
  • Both types of Spanish(@_GlitchMC on Twitter, complete expect for the hat)
  • Russian(Pixel#0129 on Discord, asked to credit their YouTube, waiting for an answer with the youtube link, also, missing recent features)
  • DM me on Discord(billeyzambie#3038) or Twitter(billeyzambie) if you want to translate the add-on

Known Bugs

  • Giving a cat potion on a cat that was born instead of spawning naturally or from a spawn egg will randomize its variant.
    • I know how to fix this it just won't be very fun to fix
  • Some mobs might be extremely rare in survival or not spawn at all
    • I attempted fixing this recently and I think this time it worked
  • Orca movement is buggy and annoying

Terms of Use

  1. Feel free to look at the code, even if I didn't want you to nothing can stop you, but don't literally copy the whole duck behavior file to use it for your duck I'll ask MCPEDL to remove your add-on until you fix that if you do that.
  2. If you make a Youtube video, put the MCPEDL link in the description not your adfly link or instantly to Mediafire
  3. Don’t make anyone complete any type of tasks to get the add-on, like subscribing to your channel, paying some kind of digital currency(doesn’t matter if the digital currency can be earned for “free”) or getting through your link shortener
  4. You don’t need to ask me to use this for a map or a modpack just credit me and the add-on
  5. Not a term of use but I really enjoy seeing feedback and pics/videos


  1. Download Resources & Behaviors .McAddon
  2. Open the file then put the packs in a world
  3. Put the resource pack above any other resource packs that might modify the cat's model(for example Java Aspects) or withered cats will look broken.
  4. And also put the behavior pack above other behavior packs that might modify cat behavior(for example Juju's New Mutant Creatures) or when a skeleton/withered cat transforms to a cat because of a cat potion it'll break
  5. Experimental gameplay is optional but I recommend turning it on because some other add-ons require it to be on
  6. Play/Create the world.

Supported Minecraft versions
  • 1.16.100
  • 1.16.220 (beta)
  • 1.16.210 (beta)
  • 1.16.201
  • 1.16.200



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