A pretty long time ago I created this addon as a command based experiment. Now, as I am learning making addons, I made it better and more efficient: The OP Stick!
How to use it
To use the OP-Stick you could try to craft it first, specially if you are planning to use this addon in survival mode: At first, place the items as shown in the crafting table: Then take out the item you get as a result. Now you should have these 2 items: Right click/use (long press on mobile) to use the ability of the pos stick. This summons lightnings at all mobs which are nearby (in a radius of 20 blocks): If you want to change the ability of the OP-Stick select the OP Stick Crystal and use it (right click, long press on mobile), you should get a subtitle with the current selected ability, in this case "Speed": Now you can use the OP-Stick again to use the ability: Also you can use the OP-Stick to one-hit every mob and entity. The "Lightning" ability doesn't only summon lightnings also it kills every hit mob instantly! As well you can use the OP-Stick to destroy ores and really many other blocks, you can break really fast with tools or for which you NEED tools to destroy. There are other abilities too and if you want to know what these are and what they can do you can try it yourself. Have fun!
Download the .mcaddon file and open it. Minecraft should open and a message should show up showing "Import started". To use the addon, apply the behaviour pack to your world: The recource pack should get applied automatically but you should double-check to make sure everything is right: For now you really have to make sure that "Holiday Creator Features" are turned on. Else the addon won't work: Supported Minecraft versions