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Minecraft Expanded: A Growing Overhaul REVIVAL

Minecraft Expanded: A Growing Overhaul REVIVAL
Addons for Minecraft PE
I am introducing an addon that I hope will completely change the way many people play Minecraft. My idea is to get more people into playing with their friends. I wanted to do that by adding a series of bosses and interactions that are challenging and require extra thinking.

When the world of Minecraft was created, 6 ancient beings came into existence.
LORE: The most powerful of the beings, and the oldest, is the great Ender Dragon. The Dragon was rejected by the overworld and nether, and she realized she couldn't force her dominance there without simultaneously destroying them. Instead, she settled for the End. The End was filled with weak, easily bent beings. She quickly won their servitude. However, she failed to adapt to the greatest threat Minecraft had seen. Players. She was killed billions of times, getting angrier and angrier each incarnation. The humans were stealing her unborn young, and using the eggs as trophies, and a player known as "Grian" even used them as lamps. Once more, one more death, and the dragon snapped. She grew to twice her size, and her rage exploded out, instantly killing the next player who would have sniped her out of the sky with a flint arrow.
INFO: The new ender dragon has 10,000 health, and can only be damaged by hitting her in the giant eye on her chest. Tridents become your best weapon, and you need to remove her crystalline healing pylons to have a chance. The dragon will now occasionally fire a burst of five dragon fireballs, devastating anyone caught by the attack. This new dragon is meant to be treated like a raid boss, so bring a team of friends to help take her out.
LORE: The second oldest (and second strongest) of the ancient beings is the Wither. The Wither is the embodiment of chaos, causing destruction and death wherever it goes. The ancient order of piglins defeated the Wither, but thousands of lives were lost. The Wither was banished to space, and left too weak to break through the planet of Minecraft's atmosphere. All it needs is for some witless, expendable creature to build its totem, restoring the Wither to its TRUE glory.
INFO: The new Wither has 8,000 health, making it weaker than the Ender Dragon. The Wither will shoot bursts of wither skulls, and is well equipped to take on a group of trained players. The trident will once again become a key weapon until the Wither's second phase. To deal with the second phase, I suggest crafting one of the three great weapons first. More on that later.
LORE: The next being on our list is the Ender Lord. For years, the Ender Lord ruled over the End and its inhabitants. However, the Dragon soon came and bent the endermen into submission. The Lord resisted, but he too fell to her power. The Ender Lord serves as the protector of the End, and will attack players at any given time in a forest. The Lord still plots for his vengeance, however.
INFO: The Ender Lord can teleport faster than endermen, and will shoot levitating shulker bullets at players. He has a 0.1% chance of spawning at night in a forest. He boasts 4,000 hitpoints, an attribute shared by all minor ancients. While substantially more powerful than a regular enderman, the Lord is still an enderman. He can't teleport behind you if you're up against a wall, and a shield will stop his shulker bullets. The ender Lord drops an ancient artifact known as the end pestle. By using the pestle on the orb of the end in a stone bowl will give you end stew. The orb of the end can be crafted with 8 Ender pearls around an eye of Ender, and the stone bowl uses the standard recipe replaced with flint. 
The stew is supposed to give you permanent (at least until you die) night vision, but it is currently bugged.
LORE: Next up is the Wild Ravager. The single ravager the illagers didn't hunt down. It had always been the most powerful of them, but after the dragon's snap, it felt itself become immensely stronger. Unfortunately the creature was also blinded, driving it into a rage. The beast needs to be put out of its misery.
INFO: The Wild ravager has 4,000 hitpoints and can easily take out a lone player, simply by being an unstoppable force. The best strategy for fighting it would be using a team of players constantly circling the creature, throwing tridents at regular intervals. It can also be beaten by building towers and attacking with ranged weapons. The ravager drops its head, which grants full knockback resistance when worn. 
LORE: Next is the Ancient Guardian. This beast lurks in Minecraft's oceans, waiting eagerly for a trespasser. The creature was forgotten long ago, and left to grow barnacles at the bottom of the sea. However, the Guardian's AI soon went insane, and reprogrammed all guardians to become hostile to players and squids. Especially the squids.
INFO: The Ancient Guardian shoots tridents and does melee damage if opposition comes too close. This creature doesn't have a strategy as specific as the other ancients, but using a team of people with Mending Loyalty III tridents in boats or on blocks in the water is effective. The Ancient Guardian fittingly drops the Ancient Trident, which will make the user faster, able to jump higher, and able to breathe underwater. It also does 10 damage.
LORE: Finally, we have the Demon Bat. The Demon Bat rose to power after the Wither had been banished. It was a being made purely of netherrack and fire, and no one really understands how it exists, but the myth is that it rose from the lava depths of the nether, and began to take control as soon as the Wither was gone. The piglins did not turn on their new ruler, for it was just and orderly. Under the Demon Bat's rule, the piglins created large bastions to defend against the Wither's inevitable return. The piglins began using their only metal, gold, to create tools and armor. They became an organized, undefeatable army. Or so they thought. The Wither returned, and brought with it incredible destruction. All the bastions that had taken years to build were destroyed. The piglins were scattered and their numbers neared extinction. The Demon bat sacrificed itself, using its power to protect the piglins and once again banish the Wither. The Bat, fires now extinguished, fell back into the depths. However, rumor has it that the Demon Bat has returned, and will protect the Nether at all costs.
INFO: The Demon bat is most likely the hardest of the minor ancients to kill. Think of how difficult it is to hit a normal bat. Now imagine killing one with 4,000 health. The Demon Bat almost REQUIRES a team to take down, and tridents just aren't going to cut it anymore. Quickdraw III Multishot crossbows are the best weapon for fighting this erratic enemy. The Demon Bat will spew fireballs at players, and killing it over lava has dire consequences. The Bat drops the four Nether Gems, which are used to craft the pickaxe of the Nether. 
The pickaxe will insta-mine any standard Minecraft ore, and like the other items in this addon, will never run out of durability.
LORE: Now, moving away from the bosses, allow me to explain saladite. Saladite is a completely pure ore. It shines white, and emits a soft glow in ore form. Saladite is the only ore that can be found in all three dimensions.
INFO: Saladite is used in many high end crafting recipes in Minecraft Expanded, and will receive extended use in the future.
LORE: The three great weapons were originally crafted to combat the Dragon, by the first denizens of the overworld. The weapons were ultimately ineffective against the Dragon, but if combined, they could have a better chance…
INFO: The Sword of the Overworld does 8 damage, the nether does 10, and the End does 15. They are strong on their own, but together, they could be so much more...
By using the three rods of the three worlds, you can create an incredibly powerful object. You can feel the object pounding its name into your head each time you hold it. THE BRIDGE.
Finally, your heart pounds in your chest, the great hellfire of the nether burning in your eyes, the energy of the End coursing through you, making your fingertips tingle, you use the bridge to merge the three worlds through their weapons, and use saladite rods to stabilize, you create...
LORE: The weapon's name pounds itself into your mind constantly. You watch in horror as the ground around you loses its color and dies a different kind of death. You see your hands and realize they are completely grey. The same death has happened to you. Now, you understand. THE SOLUTION is the tool to bring balance to the three worlds. The only way to bring balance...
Is to destroy them all.
INFO: Lore aside, the solution does a hefty 125 damage. The sword provides most positive effects in the game, except hero of the village, which is replaced by Bad Omen III, because, you know, the whole death theme? The sword requires a lot of effort to get, but is completely unstoppable. If you're following lore, you can kill everything you see, or it can be the builder's best friend. Being able to so easily kill the wither, dragon, and other pesky mobs allows for easy resource gathering, especially for beacons and dragon eggs. I hope you all like my addon! A lot of work went into it, and more updates are on the way!
The wither golems started out as simple bone golems, built to serve the piglins in the Nether's Golden Age. The bone golems were the tanks of the piglin army, nearly impervious to harm, and capable of crushing enemies with a single blow. The bone golems guarded the piglin bastions, and were sent to deal with insurrections. They were incredibly loyal, never disobeying an order. Some piglins even formed bonds with them as if they were pets. Then, the Wither returned. The Wither began raising skeletons from the ground, corrupting them and turning them on their descendants. Since the Demon Bat had come, piglins had evolved to be smaller, weaker, and smarter. However, the wither skeletons dominated the battles, cutting down the piglins with their blackstone swords. The war was fairly even until the Wither began corrupting the bone golems. The golems took the corruption as easily as the other bones, and quickly became the piglins' most deadly enemies. A single wither golem was able to take down a battalion of piglins, and the piglins' weapons were weak against them. When the Demon Bat made its sacrifice, most of the wither soldiers were destroyed, few surviving. The remaining wither skeletons wander the old fortresses, constructed under the Wither's first reign. The golems walk aimlessly through the abyss, their masters gone, no one to give them directions.
INFO: Wither golems have 150 health, and are unaffected by knockback, making it very difficult to deal with a charging golem. They are also able to one-shot an unarmored player with ease. Fighting these enemies is equivalent to fighting a buffed iron golem, so the strategies that work on iron golems should work on wither golems as well. Wither golems drop black iron ingots and a wither rose.
LORE: The Guardian Gods are not true Gods, nor are they true guardians. They, unlike guardians, have a living, organic mind controlling their actions. The creatures' followers thought they would bring luck. Large monuments were built underwater to honor the creatures, and many gold offerings were thrown into the ocean. Being as intelligent as it was, the Guardian God took the offerings down to the underwater ravines, where the magma vents could soften the gold. The guardians created armor made from the gold: a thick plating that could withstand far more than the guardian itself could. This only made the followers more certain of their beliefs, and so the offerings kept coming. Any gold that could be found was cast into the water. However, as the Guardian Gods became larger and stronger with each offering, the Ancient Guardian identified them as a threat. Soon, every true guardian turned on the imposters, their heated lasers melting through the armor and piercing the vulnerable minds within. The creatures fled to the recesses of the deep frozen oceans to hide from the guardians. The guardians took over the monuments, and the followers disbanded. All except one group.
INFORMATION: The Guardian Gods are large enemies that spawn in the deep frozen ocean biome, and have 1,000 health. This makes it one of the weaker bosses, but it is still more powerful than any vanilla boss. Guardian Gods shoot tridents and deal melee damage if their enemy gets too close. The best strategy for fighting these would be to use cover and create an air pocket, using a Loyalty III Impaling V trident. Best results when using a team. The Guardian Gods drop a variety of gold items, some more useful than others.
LORE: The shadow eyes are very mysterious creatures. Some kind of mutation between the three worlds. They were first sighted around the time the Dragon settled in the End. Nobody knows how they came to be, but they have ended many unfortunate adventurers' lives. They don't seem to be aggressive to creatures other than humans, or their created. 
INFORMATION: Shadow eyes are black flying balls of frustration that will try their best to ruin your day. They don't have much health, but they can teleport and shoot wither skulls at you. If unarmored, a fight between a player and a shadow eye could really go either way. Even in the later game, don't get cocky, these things can still outmaneuver you. They drop black iron ingots, same as the wither golem.
LORE: Wasps are considered to be the embodiments of pugnacity by the majority of living creatures in Minecraft. However, these creatures are fairly nonaggressive, never attacking another living creature. They do show signs of dominance, but they can be ignored without consequence.
INFORMATION: Wasps are passive mobs. They can be shot down, and will drop their stingers. 
LORE: Mummies are ancient villagers that lived in the desert. These villagers built the desert temples, which held treasure, salted meat, and bread. Today, the meat has been reduced to rotten flesh and bones, and the bread is dust. The villagers rested peacefully in their tombs until the eleventh sect of vampires began to use the bodies as thralls. After the massacre of the eleventh sect, however, the mummies no longer have a purpose. Their story is not unlike that of the wither golems. They now wander the desert, without purpose, the soul long-gone from their bodies.
INFORMATION: Mummies essentially fill the gap of husk villagers. They do a fairly high amount of damage, have 20 health, and spawn in all desert variations. You can fight these creatures the same way as a zombie. They drop mummy wraps.
LORE: The ghosts of Minecraft have been called many things. Ghouls, poltergeists, stalkers, wanderers, and so on. No matter what they are called, they are still just as dead, and deadly. Ghosts are believed to be villagers or illagers, their souls forced to wander the lands of Minecraft without purpose or direction. They only kill, for they know nothing more. Their lives, or deaths rather, are full of anguish and torment. Destroy them. Send them to the scale of Asmodea to be judged. Save them.
INFORMATION: Ghosts are very dangerous for the same reasons shadow eyes are dangerous. Ghosts fly erratically, swooping down to swipe at you with their ethereal claws. They are tougher than shadow eyes, but have no ranged options. They can be held off by using anything with range. The ghosts drop soul fire.
LORE: Contrary to its nickname, black iron is not actually iron. It's gold. The Wither was able to corrupt gold, to an extent. It couldn't make the gold attack the piglins or form into large indestructible creatures, but it could get rid of an important resource to the piglins. The black iron couldn't be formed into weapons or tools. The handles would turn to dust as soon as they connected the two. The wither golems had arms covered in black iron, which allowed them to turn wooden walls to dust. Perhaps the reason there are no crimson or warped buildings in the Nether currently. 
INFORMATION: Black iron has uses in several different crafting recipes in the game.
LORE: Ender powder is an unstable and powerful substance, the End's counterpart to blaze powder. Ender powder is the mineral that allows the Ender Lord to teleport so quickly. The material has strong magic properties, even able to be turned into false runes.
INFORMATION: Ender Powder drops from the Ender Lord, and the item can be used in the End Bone Sword's crafting recipe. 
LORE: The End Bone sword is a powerful magic weapon, able to make the wielder mimic elytra. It has been wielded by many great warriors of the past, but it is broken each time. This is your chance to be the one warrior who held the sword, and kept it. The one whose sword wasn't shattered by an ancient, or eaten by Miren the Glutton, or any other horrible outcome that seems to always come to this weapon.
INFORMATION: The End Bone Sword does 15 damage, and gives slow falling coupled with jump boost. The weapon requires End elements, Nether elements, and Overworld elements to make.
LORE: Soul fire is created when the souls of the dead are set alight. While the soul is burning, it feels incredible agony and torment, which is completely inescapable. By killing ghosts or putting out soul fires in the nether, you are freeing souls from their great torment.
INFORMATION: Soul flames have many uses in crafting recipes.
LORE: The rune sword is the staple weapon of a dedicated adventurer, customizable to suit the user's needs, capable of sustaining the elements. Currently, the Rune Sword is empty. It needs one of four elemental runes to operate at full power.
INFORMATION: The Rune sword is a weapon that can be used to hold runes, which were introduced in V3.
LORE: Saladite blocks are the purest blocks Minecraft will ever see. They have no taint from Overworld, End, or Nether.
INFORMATION: Saladite blocks are decorational light blocks used to compact saladite. It is crafted by putting 9 saladite into a grid.
Rameas, the Fire Lord
LORE: Rameas is one of the four element lords, each controlling a single basic element. Rameas is the Fire Lord. Rameas has also been called the King of the Blazes, although the term is less accurate. Rameas is the one responsible for turning the Nether from a dark underworld to the hellish inferno it is today. When the Dragon arrived in the Nether, Rameas appeared to stop her. After weeks of war, the Dragon seemed to come to a realization. The Nether could not be conquered without her and Rameas mutually destroying each other. With that in mind, she turned to the Overworld, where perhaps there would be less resistance.
INFORMATION: Rameas is essentially a large blaze. He fights like a blaze, defends like a blaze, and functions almost identically. He is the sacred guardian of the fire rune, and drops it upon death. The fire rune is one of the four runes that can be used in the rune sword. He and all the element lords have 500 health, making them relatively weak.
Barduul, the Earth Lord
LORE: Barduul is the ancient stone golem of the overworld. He serves to defend against the forces of fire, water, and sky. The most physically powerful of the lords, Barduul suffers from a lack of intelligence. He has no strategy, charging into battle with his stone fists raised. When the Dragon made her way to the overworld, Barduul was there to meet her. Being as intelligent as she was, the Dragon found that she was able to deactivate Barduul. As if he had always just been a part of the landscape, Barduul was soon overgrown, his life force drained. However, years later, a mysterious stranger, appearing to simply be an old man missing a few teeth, wearing nothing but rags appeared. Barduul was a hill at this point, covered in grass and dirt. The old man climbed onto Barduul's back, and removed something from a bag. The earth rune. Holding the stone in both hands, the elder slammed the Rune into Barduul's back, with a force that his frail stature should have never been able to accomplish. With a new energy flaring through Barduul's body, he awoke. Standing up, he turned to see who had awakened him. However, there was nobody there. 
INFORMATION: As mentioned in the lore, Barduul is stupid. He will charge at you without trying to keep his distance, but deals a ton of damage if he manages to hit you. He has no range, needing to be right on top of you to hit you. Since he has only 500 health, you don't need a team to defeat him, just a decent strategy or weapon will do the trick. Barduul drops the earth rune.
Sheina, the Sky Lord
LORE: Sheina is the guardian of the skies, choosing to take the form of a large mystic owl, although he can be many things. Sheina has had many conflicts with the other element lords, mainly for his haughtiness and arrogance. However, he is one of the strongest lords. Sheina forces his opponents to fight his way, in the sky. He went toe to toe with Rameas, and managed to defeat him, causing Rameas to flee. When the Dragon arrived, Sheina did not worry. He overestimated himself and his abilities, but when the Dragon finally turned on him, he was not prepared. The Dragon was incredibly intelligent, and was capable of easily evading his attacks. She seemed to know what he would do before he even did it. He was left crippled, and only the water lord at that time, Traikal, managed to put up a fight against her, causing her to eventually retreat to the End. 
INFORMATION: Sheina is difficult to say the least. He functions similarly to Firion, the Demon Bat, and shoots shulker bullets, forcing you into his territory, where he is strongest. Shields can block some of the bullets, but he sends enough that they are very difficult to block. Creating a platform above your head can be a good way to deal with the levitation.
Waneas, the Water Lord
LORE (Part 1): Waneas is said to be the only lord to succeed another. Waneas started out as a humble water mage, using his skills to help and support his tribe. However, the tribe began to notice a certain malice within Waneas. It started with drowning small insects in water, expanding all the way to using water to rip living creatures such as cows to shreds. The elders of the tribe waited far too long to banish Waneas. When they tried, he killed them all out of anger. There were other water mages in his village, but none as powerful as him. Finally, a newcomer challenged him. Waneas eagerly accepted, and they met on a beach to battle to the death. Waneas lifted a huge ball of water from the ocean and hurled it at the challenger. The man stood stock still until the projectile was almost upon him, then did something Waneas would never forget. He split the water. Pulling out a sword with lightning speed, he slashed upwards, separating the water, which recoiled away from the blade, falling to either side of him. Waneas went into a rage. He lifted hundreds of small globs of water, and did something no water mage had ever done before. He shaped the globs, then froze them. He now had hundreds of ice shards he could throw at this fool. However, the challenger removed his cloak, revealing black armor with white accents, and a helmet that seemed to be soulless. Burying his sword into the sand, he reached over his shoulder and pulled out a bow. It was red and gold, like the sword, and he drew back the string with no arrow. Waneas smirked, then shot the icy daggers towards him. The newcomer released the string. To Waneas's shock, a projectile was fired, a ball of glowing blue energy. As the ball passed the ice shards, most of them melted instantly. Waneas, reacting quickly, brought up a shield of water, but couldn't fully form it into ice in time. The ball shattered his progress, smashing into his chest and hurling him backwards. The pain he felt was indescribable. Hearing footsteps, Waneas tried to rise into a sitting position, but his torso was entirely burned. He could barely see. The challenger stood over him, victorious. The fight had happened so quickly. The victor raised his hand, and his cloak levitated, impossibly moving towards them. Waneas somehow stood up, and reached for the challenger's neck. An upward slash from the sword was all it took, and Waneas found that his hands were gone. He fell back in horror, but did not hit the ground. He felt himself rising, the cloak catching him. It started to slowly wrap around Waneas's body. Waneas screamed, but was powerless to stop it. The cloak finished its work, and the black-armored figure lifted Waneas up off the ground, this time using his hands, and hurled Waneas into the ocean. The place where Waneas was the strongest became his grave. Then, something happened that would change everything…
INFORMATION: Waneas is a tough enemy to deal with. He can shoot many water projectiles per second, and is an expert at keeping you away while simultaneously doing damage. He will find a way around your cover, making him a very adaptive boss. He will require great skill and aim to beat. He drops the water rune. (Bonus: if you want to use Waneas's projectiles, you can type in the command: /give @s water:projectile. The projectile is otherwise unobtainable.)
Lineat, the Undead King
LORE: (Part 1): Satisfied with his handiwork, Lineat cleaned Waneas's blood off his blade. The loss of his cloak was unfortunate, but he needed to end Waneas in a way that wouldn't anger the gods. They had sent him with the phrase "eye for an eye" in mind. This was the closest thing he could do to replicate Waneas's sins. He replaced his bow on his back, and grabbed his sword. Now, he would return home. Not back to the gods, but back to the tribe he had joined so he could kill Waneas. He had been accepted and appreciated there. And if the gods were angered by that, he didn't care. He just didn't want them to have anything else to be mad about. Plus, there was a particular girl in the village he had become close with. Maybe he could finally settle, create a family. But life has a way of turning plans upon their heads…
LORE: (Part 2): Waneas thrashed in the water, trying desperately to hold his breath as long as possible, without being able to swim upward to save himself. Soon, he understood his struggle was pointless, and let the water flood in. Only, it didn't hurt. He didn't feel like he was drowning, and he couldn't feel the clutches of death pressing on him. He felt like he was part of the water, within it, but also of it. He commanded the water to untangle him from the cloak, and it obeyed willingly. When he had controlled water before, it had felt forced, like he had to bend the water to do what he wanted, but now, it seemed to agree with him. As the cloak fell off, Waneas snatched it, throwing it over his own shoulders, raising the hood. No one would know he had returned until it was too late. However, Waneas was still not strong enough to deal with his mysterious destroyer, the one who had ended Waneas's life as he knew it. Waneas rose from the depths, the water in his lungs invigorating him rather than killing him. He breached the surface, and started into the blinding sun. He felt as though even the gods feared him. However, this last fight had humbled him. He was not a better person, but he was more tactical. He realized that while he may not be able to challenge the gods at the moment, he was able to challenge something lesser. Traikal was the water lord at that time, a massive creature that had a dolphin's body, and tentacles extending from a squid-like face. Traikal had brought the Dragon to a stalemate, but the Dragon could not control the entire sea. Blasting through the oceans, Waneas began killing fish and destroying coral until Traikal inevitably appeared. Traikal was always the most intelligent of the lords, and was careful about dealing with Waneas. Unfortunately, the large creature had no idea what Waneas was capable of. The fight started when Traikal shot gallons of ink at Waneas, hoping to blind him. Traikal circled around, but the ink exploded outwards with a rush. Traikal fled to avoid the corrosive ink, and waited for it to dissipate. However, Waneas wasn't as patient. Forming a current around him that led the water behind him, he shot through the water directly for Traikal. The lord tried to grab the small human with his tentacles, but they were too large to get a good grip, and Waneas went straight through Traikal. He came out holding a small stone, long and angular. It pulsed with a flowing blue light. The water rune. Traikal was dead within minutes. Waneas aided the process by controlling the water to crush him under immense pressure. Finally. The rune made Waneas beyond powerful enough to deal with his new enemy. But he would wait. He would wait until he had settled and had a family. Then Waneas would make them watch as he killed their father…
LORE (Part 2): Lineat had lived in the tribe for seven years now, and the gods had never seemed angered. He had settled with Marai, the woman he'd been smitten with since they had met. They had three children, all on the same day. Lineat saw it as a condolence from the gods, a message saying that they weren't angry with him, instead blessing him for completing his work. Lineat had locked up his weapons years ago, unwilling to risk his family for the thrill of battle. What he had done to Waneas, who was only a boy really, still haunted him and gave him nightmares. He had decided to train the young men of the tribe the ways of combat. Despite not being an original member of the tribe, they began to call him their king, and they showered him with riches, giving him a massive house. He did not understand why they were so ecstatic about the horrible thing Lineat had done, but he accepted the gifts gladly. They reminded him of being a demigod, living in the heavens without a care in the world. It was an ordinary evening, Lineat and his family were sitting at their round table, eating the chicken he had hunted a few hours ago. Something changed in the air. It seemed to go very still. Lineat's triplets stopped talking. They could feel it too. Marai was unaware of the feeling. She did not have the blood of gods within her veins. It was not long before the screaming started. Sounds of agony, crashing wood and… water. Roaring water slamming into buildings and murdering people. Lineat's blood went cold. Everything seemed to slow down. Lineat kicked down the door, the one he had locked and thrown away the key to, and grabbed his sword. It was a bright red weapon, with a gold streak down the center and splitting across the crossguard. He threw his bow over his shoulder. He also grabbed his helmet and slammed it onto his head, rushing outside. And he was there. The man he had thought was dead seven years ago. Waneas had a giant snakelike stream of water smashing into houses, recoiling and moving from building to building. Wasting no time, Lineat removed his bow from his back, drawing back the string with all his might and releasing. The familiar thrill set his blood on fire. He hadn't fought in seven years. He didn't realise how much he had missed the thrill of the fight until now. The familiar blue ball of energy shot out from the bow, accurately zipping towards Waneas's head. Lineat noticed that Waneas was wearing Lineat's robe, the one he had been able to telepathically control. He had severed his bond with the cloak when he dropped it into the ocean. Waneas's hands were made of water, and they seemed to function completely fine. Waneas spun and directed the stream of water directly at the ball of energy. Mimicking their first fight, the projectile smashed through the water. Only this time, Waneas froze the water instantly. The ice exploded from the strain. Lineat quickly loosed another blast, but this time Waneas did not attempt to block it, instead leaning to one side and letting it pass him. Waneas turned the ice back into water, and sent it at Lineat. He held his sword out in front of him, splitting the water, again as he had in their first duel. However this time, after Lineat had split the water, Waneas directed the two streams behind him, slamming into Lineat's back. He was thrown forward, and Waneas reached his arm back, throwing a punch with a hand that had frozen into ice. He slammed it into Lineat's chest, sending him flying back into the door of his home. Using water to boost himself, Waneas kicked Lineat the second he stood up, smashing him through the door, splinters of wood exploding everywhere. His family screamed. Waneas smirked and made his hand into an icy blade. He slammed it down, but Lineat rolled, kicking Waneas in the face. Waneas was thrown to the side. He tried to get up but Lineat grabbed him and threw him against the wall, then stood him up, punching his face until the man could not breathe. He grabbed Waneas by the neck and lifted him up, using only one hand.
"I should've done this right the first time" Lineat whispered into Waneas's face, pulling a dagger from the sheath on his belt. As he prepared to kill him, he became aware of his family, horrified, huddled in a corner. The fire in his veins was extinguished, the thrill vanishing. Waneas saw his moment and took it. Using his ice blades, he stabbed deep into Lineat's chest, savoring the look of utter torment on his family's faces. Lineat fell soundlessly, having died a little too fast for Waneas's liking. With that, Waneas left, disappearing back into the ocean. Lineat knew he was dead. He could feel that he was no longer real or tangible. Then he realized where he was. A huge scale rest in front of him, a face that covered the sky above it. He did not let the judge talk, instantly screaming to go back to his family. The judge's face twisted into a horrible smile and Lineat realized he had made a mistake. He was sucked back into the mortal realm, but something was very wrong. He was in his armor, but he wasn't really there. He could see from his armor's perspective, but was not truly inside of it. He could feel the armor's intentions somehow. It was moving of its own power, going to kill his family. The judge was reuniting him with his family in an evil and vengeful way. Sacrificing every bit of godhood ge had within him, he banished the armor, condemning it to be sucked within his crown, not unlike a genie in a bottle from the old stories. 
INFORMATION: Lineat can only be summoned by using his crown. You must craft the crown then "eat" it to summon him. He has 200 health and his fighting skill is gone, simply behaving as a zombie would. Lineat drops his sword and bow, known as The Royal Sword and Royal Bow in-game. 
Vampire Eye
LORE: The vampire eyes are what people say they are. They are the eyes of vampires, mutated and cursed with long forbidden dark magic. Their wings sprouting from their backs are the wings they were told to have possessed in life. Contrary to popular belief, vampires were not truly undead. They were an entire race that had once existed in full. However, they now live underground in hidden sanctuaries. The vampire eyes found across the overworld at night come from the third sect, which was one of the many sects of vampires who were massacred as a result of their attack on the gods. They were cursed to exist as weak, lesser life forms without a purpose.
INFORMATION: Vampire eyes are uncommon, medium difficulty mobs. They can shoot arrows at you and are fairly difficult to land a hit on. They drop vampire eyes as an item.
LORE: Dragonlings aren't actually dragons, they just look similar to how the Ender Dragon did before she snapped. They are flying reptiles that seem to understand that monsters are the true enemies of the worlds, and will also attack lords. They seem to have a story similar to the Dragon's. They were originally bright red and black, but the End completely changed them, the way it changes all things that reside there for too long. They are friendly towards humans and enjoy fish, possibly hinting at a human and dragonling relationship that existed before the Dragon ruined everything. 
INFORMATION: Dragonlings are one of the very few mobs in this addon that won't attack you on sight. In fact, they can be tamed by humans, if you feed them cooked fish. They use fireballs to defend their owners, and can even be named. They have 80 health, spawn in the End, and drop end crystals and end powder upon death.
End Wanderer
LORE: End Wanderers are said to be players who decided to live in the End. Despite the efforts of their friends urging them not to, they had set their minds to it, and now live there permanently. However, the End taints all living creatures that live in it, including humans. They have already begun their transformation to the tall endermen, but retain enough humanity to trade with you. 
INFORMATION: End Wanderers essentially act as End villagers. They have trades, run away from enemies, and are very greedy. Killing the Wanderers causes them to drop end powder. Maybe killing them for their garbage trades is actually justifiable now.
Elemental Runes
LORE: The four elemental runes are four very powerful artifacts that are guarded by the four element lords. They are as ancient as the elements themselves, and have passed users multiple times, usually ending up back in the hands of their respective lord. They can be channeled by the Rune Sword, a common weapon among ambitious adventurers. 
INFORMATION: The runes drop from Rameas, Waneas, Barduul, and Sheina. They can be crafted with the Empty Rune sword to create one of the four rune swords.
Element Rune Swords
LORE: Very few have ever been able to place a rune within the rune sword, but those who are skilled or fortunate enough usually end up returning the rune to its element, for no one human should ever have control over an element. They are said to give the wielder the aspects of their respective elements.
INFORMATION: The fire sword grants fire resistance, the air gives slow falling, earth is resistance, and water is water breathing. Each does 10 damage, and has 9000 durability.
Vampire Eye Lens
LORE: The vampire eye lens is a method for humans to gain some of the positive aspects of a vampire. The eye feeds directly to the user's brain, illuminating dark areas and providing light where none should be.
INFORMATION: The Vampire Eye Lens is crafted using the vampire eye drop, mummy wraps, and glass panes. It gives night vision when worn. To wear it, hold it in your hand and long press the screen; right click on Windows 10.
Mummy Wraps
LORE: Mummy Wraps were simply used to wrap the ancient mummies of Minecraft's deserts.
INFORMATION: Mummy Wraps can be used in the V.E.L. recipe, and will have healing uses in the future.
The Royal Broadsword
LORE: The Royal Broadsword is the weapon that Lineat used, before being murdered by Waneas. It still hums with its great energy, the energy that split water. 
INFORMATION: The Royal Broadsword drops from Lineat, the Undead King. It deals 10 damage, and has 10,000 durability. Its main use comes in a crafting recipe for one of the better weapons in this addon.
The Royal Bow
LORE: The Royal Bow is Lineat's bow, the great weapon that could shoot balls of energy without an arrow. It is still capable of doing so to this day.
INFORMATION: The Royal Bow is an unstoppable godly weapon. It shoots about 1 projectile per 5 seconds, each of which do 20 damage. 
The Royal Crown
LORE: When Lineat returned to the overworld, he banished his cursed armor, and himself, to his crown. What he didn't realize was that if someone were to replicate his crown, and use soul fire, he could be summoned using the replica as well. 
INFORMATION: The Royal Crown is the only way to spawn Lineat in, and can be "eaten" like the projectile weapons and armors.
LORE: When the Dragon attacked the overworld, she left huge swaths of land decimated and unlivable. There were many villages, and consequently iron golems, in these lands. The iron golems survived the initial blasts, but were blackened and warped, turning into deranged killing machines that still believe the Dragon is burning and killing them, making them attack innocent people.
INFORMATION: Molten Golems serve to make the molten plains a harsher and more wastelandish place. They have a large amount of health and damage, so caution is advised. They are a fairly common enemy in the plains, so escaping from them is difficult. They drop blaze powder, making them the only way to get the material in the overworld.
LORE: The Nature Sprite was the servant of Barduul before his defeat at the Dragon's hands. It served faithfully, protecting the living creatures and plants of the overworld. However, after Barduul was deactivated, the sprite had to fill in his place, a difficult task for one without a rune. The sprite tried its best, but the human forces coupled with the other elements were too strong, and the sprite went into hiding. After Barduul's return, the sprite knew it couldn't return to him, or it would face justice. So the nature sprite continued to hide, growing stronger and stronger, until it was more powerful than ever before. However, the sprite chose to stay hidden in the forests, lest the lords form an alliance to deal with it. While the sprite couldn't draw too much attention to itself, a small insignificant player wouldn't change much would it…?
INFORMATION: The sprite is a boss, and a tough one at that. It calls upon the life force of creatures nearby to cast bolts of energy at opponents, with devastating results. The sprite has 640 health, and drops one melee tomahawk and one ranged tomahawk.
LORE: When the guardian gods were chased off by the true guardians, most of their worshippers disbanded, however one group stayed active. A particularly nasty and aggressive derivative of the religion, the last group kidnap villagers and use them as sacrifices, while continuing to loot and plunder for gold to offer. The guardian gods no longer return to the surface, making the offers and sacrifices pointless, however the cultists continue to idolize the creatures without fail. 
INFORMATION: Guardian god cultists are generic enemies. Zombie-like health, good damage, and carrying a gold sword. They can drop several gold items upon death, including carrots. They spawn on beaches and can be dangerous if confronted without armor.
LORE: As part of the eleventh sect's continued research in the raising of the dead, many wolves became subject to the vampires' experiments. The wolves were killed, allowed to decay for a short while, then the vampires used their magic to raise them. Unfortunately, like with the mummies, the tests were successful, and the wolves became the guards of the eleventh sect, forced to obey their masters' will. When the eleventh sect was massacred along with the third, first, and sixth sect, the wolves fled. Most died, but some adapted, learning how to survive without the support of the vampire masters. Now, they kill because it is their lifestyle. They have no other objective than to kill trespassers. 
INFORMATION: Vampire wolves function very similarly to zombies, only faster. They still die in the daylight, a property shared by most undead. They drop vampire blood and rotten flesh, representing their undead aspects and their vampiric aspects. 
LORE: The spirit Fox has been the protector of humans since ancient times. Few beings could ever match its loyalty. However, the Dragon dealt with it before even attacking the rest of the overworld. It was nearly killed, but it used the last bits of power it had to embed itself throughout the world in deposits of magical ore. By using that ore, among other things, a sliver of the spirit fox can be summoned to fight for humanity once again. 
INFORMATION: The spirit fox is a pet only spawnable by using the summoner item. It can be tamed with chicken, and is rideable and will attack monsters and even the lords. It will drop its summon upon death, allowing you to resummon and retame the magical beast.
LORE: When the spirit Fox nearly died, it spread itself across the world, becoming a nexus to magic for those without the inherent ability. It became a new unearthly rock clumping in many locations across the world. 
INFORMATION: Magic Stones are very useful in many crafting recipes, so make sure to mine any magic ore you see.
LORE: By using soul fire, an inherently magical substance, many mages have been able to do incredible damage, destroying things without even intending to. Soul fire is a very unstable form of fire, and thus more powerful, but also more dangerous. Using a magic stone, you too can harness the power of soul magic and cast it upon your foes. 
INFORMATION: Soul magic is a decent ranged power, doing high damage with a low range.
LORE: The earth tomahawk is the weapon favored by the nature sprite, and is capable of drawing the life force from nearby organic material to shoot green bolts of energy.
INFORMATION: By default, the nature sprite will drop two tomahawks. One will be melee, while the other will have ranged capabilities. 
LORE: THE SOLUTION is far too dangerous to be kept as it is. It needs to be controlled, and kept from destroying the worlds. The only way to do this is too infuse it with the power of the gods. By using more saladite, and even several of THE BRIDGE, THE SOLUTION can become a much more controlled bow, which is less powerful, but has far more potential. Now all it needs is a god to power it.
INFORMATION: The unpowered godly bow is by far the best ranged weapon in game, nothing else comes close to matching it. The other bosses of the game will be a breeze to defeat, although the Dragon can't be hit by it. It's a bug that required fixing.
LORE: The Bloodwrath was the sword wielded by Nalek'dar, the vampire who led the charge against the gods. A powerful weapon, using the blood of its past victims as a weapon. The weapon was shattered by Thurom, the god of storms, but it can be recreated, it just needs the right wielder.
INFORMATION: The Bloodwrath is a powerful ranged weapon that can be acquired early game, and is very useful for taking down early bosses. 
INFORMATION: The empty ice sword is used later on to create the ice sword, a strong reliable weapon.
LORE: False runes were created by humans to represent different derivatives of one of the core elements. They are much more crude and less powerful than true runes, but serve a similar purpose. 
LORE: The ice sword is a frame built to withstand and manipulate the raw energy of the ice false rune. It turns the energy into a flat blade capable of blasting cold energy at anyone who dares to stand in your path. Few adventurers have ever wielded an ice sword, but all agree that it is a very strong and powerful weapon.
LORE: Vampire blood is a dangerous substance prone to causing delirium and hysteria in those who come into contact with the liquid. It has its uses, however.
INFORMATION: Vampire blood will be used in a future crafting recipe, and drops from vampire eyes and vampire wolves.
LORE: Purifiers are used to channel magic and saladite to remove corruption from any substance, restoring it to an unaltered state. They represent a bondage between the pure and magic, which in and of itself is infinitely pure and impure at the same time.
INFORMATION: A purifier can be used to remove the taint of the End from the dragon egg, restoring it to a bright red egg, untouched by the End's influence.
LORE: The red dragon egg is the egg the Dragon would have laid, had she stayed in the overworld or nether. An untouched, completely pure dragon egg. Perhaps the next dragon could choose to side with the worlds, rather than try to conquer them. 
Author and Creator's Note: First of all, a huge thanks to anyone who even read this far. secondly, sorry for the wait. my original plan was for V5 to come out way back in August of 2020, but we know how that went. even still, I don't know when V5 will be released, but I can honestly say that you guys are going to absolutely love it. Here's a little sneak peek at what's to come in V5...
"The radiant helmet is a helmet specifically designed as an anti-vampiric countermeasure. It can mostly degrade the effects of vampiric weapons or armor, providing regeneration at the same speed as the withering lowers health."


To install, I recommend checking out the Actual Guns addon. Azozgamer has posted a really helpful download guide for .zip pack

Supported Minecraft versions

  • 1.17 (beta)
  • 1.17
  • 1.16



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