Kropers » Addons for Minecraft PE » Color Blocks Addon

Color Blocks Addon

Color Blocks Addon
Addons for Minecraft PE
o you have the color you want in Minecraft? Let's add Color Blocks Addon in such a case! This addon can add colorful 4096 colored blocks to the world of Minecraft.


The color of the block is indicated on the ID and block name.
The block Red,Green,Blue (00 - ff) of for each 16 phases, 4,096 (16x16x16) add a block.(Light version is 216 blocks.)
Glowing for better color reproduction.
Map display support

(1.16 has a bug that doesn't appear in the creative inventory.)


Crafting cobble stones and obsidian can make "#000000 block".

To create each color block, you can increase the color level by using red dye, or green dye, blue dye and white dye.

Also, crafting with 8 white dyes results in "#000000 block". Crafting with 8 black dyes will result in "#ffffff block".

"#000000 block" has a shortcut recipe that allows you to skip stages with color blocks and 8 dyes (Useable dyes: red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta).

"#ffffff block" can make a color block similar to colored wool with 4 dyes.


  1. Download .mcaddon
  2. Open Minecraft(This process may take 10 minutes or more.)
  3. "Successfully imported ... " message will be displayed.
  4. done
If the texture is not normal
  1. Download .mcaddon
  2. Extract files
  3. Move file to "development_behavior_packs"and "development_resource_packs"
  4. done

Supported Minecraft versions

  • 1.17 (beta)
  • 1.17
  • 1.16



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