Have you ever wanted the original old bartering back? The bartering was drastically nerfed in 1.16.100 and its useful speedrunning technique was no longer reliable. If you want it back then this pack is just for you, get it back at a click of a button.
This behavior pack brings back the original 1.16.0 Piglin bartering, so if you want to use it within the most recent versions of Minecraft, just apply this pack. The most noticible buff it brings is obviously Ender Pearl amount and probability, however other barter trades are also like they were before.
Loot Table:
Netherite Hoe[1] - 0,24%
Enchanted Book (Soul Speed 1 - 3)[1] - 1,2%
Iron Boots (Soul Speed 1 - 3)[1] - 1,9%
Potion of Fire resistance[1] - 2,4%
Splash Potion of Fire resistance[1] - 2,4%
Iron Nugget[9 - 36] - 2,4%
Nether Quartz[8 - 16] - 4,7%
Glowstone Dust[5 - 12] - 4,7%
Magma Cream[2 - 6] - 4,7%
Ender Pearl[4 - 8] - 4,7%
String[8 - 24] - 4,7%
Fireball[1 - 5] - 9,4%
Gravel[8 - 16] - 9,4%
Leather[4 - 10] - 9,4%
Nether Bricks[4 - 16] - 9,4%
Obsidian[1] - 9,4%
Crying Obsidian[1 - 3] - 9,4%
Soul Sand[4 - 16] - 9,4%
This pack works on all MC versions above 1.16.100 including betas. Remember that speedruns using this pack won't be legitimate on speedrun.com! This pack doesn't require any experimental gameplay options! Screenshots: Loot from 10 gold bars: Loot from 64 gold bars: Some bartering drops:
Go to the mediafire download page.
Select file you want to download (.mcpack or .zip)
Download it.
Open/extract it depending on the file format.
This pack doesn't require any experimental gameplay option!